Our Preschool service is offered to children from 2 years and 5 months (from Sept. 2024). This service is offered for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, 38 weeks of the year in line with our school calendar. (42 weeks for those in Full Day Care, 9hrs & Part Time, 5hrs). The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme provides early childhood care and education for children of preschool age from 2 years and 8 months for a two-year duration. We only accept children to join the service at two points within the year. September and January.
What is the ECCE scheme?
ECCE is a comprehensive educational approach based on the observation of children’s needs; it invites children to engage in learning activities of their own individual choice. Under the guidance of a fully trained Early Childhood Educator, each child will learn by making discoveries with materials, such as cultivating concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning.
Children are eligible to start the ECCE scheme in September of the year that they turn 2 years and 8 months old before 1st September, that year.
Eligible age range:
Birth date between: 1 Jan 2020 and 31 Dec 2020 - Eligible enrolment date(s): 1 Sept 2023 & 1 Sept 2024
Birth date between: 1 Jan 2021 and 31 Dec 2021 - Eligible enrolment date(s): 1 Sept 2024 & 1 Sept 2025
Check your child’s ECCE eligibility on the ECCE calculator here
*Part time care is 5 hours per day. The cost for the additional 2 add on hours after the three preschool hours is €10 less your NCS benefit. Please click on the link here to see additional cost.
Our ECCE classroom is an area for children where they choose their work from materials displayed on open shelves in specific work areas where the child will enjoy both a structured and free play based curriculum. They will be encouraged to participate in all the activities the room has to offer, such as: art and craft, messy play, cookery and much more not forgetting the great outdoors.
At Buttercup Childcare we have a waiting list for enrolment and we advise all parents / guardians to put their child on the waiting list as soon as possible. A €100 deposit is required at the time of registration. This deposit is for 2 years and is fully refundable, €50 in October year 1 and €50 in October year 2 after your child has taken up their place. Should you no longer want your childcare place your deposit will be refunded in full if we have 6 full calendar months notice. 50% with 3 full calendar months notice and no deposit will be refunded with less than 3 full calendar months notice.
On completion of the ECCE class (September to June) each child takes great pride in a graduation ceremony held in their room in the presents of their parents and family. There is great anticipation and excitement leading up to the Graduation Ceremony and parents and teachers are so proud when their children put on their caps and gowns and receive their Graduation Scroll and make a leap towards “primary school”.
AIM Support
Preschool Children can avail of additional supports through the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM)
What is Aim?
The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) is a model of support designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme. It’s goal is to empower preschool providers to deliver an inclusive preschool experience, ensuring that every eligible child can meaningfully participate in the ECCE Programme and reap the benefits of quality early years care and education.
AIM is a child-centered model, involving seven levels of progressive support, moving from the universal to the targeted, based on the needs of the child and the preschool service. For many children, the universal supports offered under the model will be sufficient. For others, one particular discrete support may be required to enable participation in the ECCE programme, such as access to a piece of specialised equipment. For a small number, a suite of different services and supports may be necessary. In other words, the model is designed to be responsive to the needs of each individual child in the context of their preschool setting. It offers tailored, practical supports based on need and does not require a formal diagnosis of disability.
If you feel your child is in need or additional support in any area, Buttercup Childcare, in conjunction with the Parent, will make an application for this additional support for the child while in the service. Contact your room leader in confidence to discuss your concerns and click here for additional information about AIM.
Universal Subsidies
Universal Subsidies are available to all families with children who are not yet eligible for preschool. They are also available to families with children over 3 years who have not yet qualified for the free preschool programme (ECCE). This subsidy is not means tested and provides (from Sep. 2024) €2.14 per hour towards the cost of a registered childcare place for a maximum of 40 hours per week. Full details here.