Day Trips
from €13.00
School Tour
Pre-School Children
1 day Trip
8.30am - 1.30pm
Leahy Open Farm (€10 bus, €10 entry)
*Parent travel (€5 bus and €8 entry) this depends on the venue
Child or Parent:
School Tour
Pre-School Children
1 day Trip
8.30am - 1.30pm
Leahy Open Farm (€10 bus, €10 entry)
*Parent travel (€5 bus and €8 entry) this depends on the venue
School Tour
Pre-School Children
1 day Trip
8.30am - 1.30pm
Leahy Open Farm (€10 bus, €10 entry)
*Parent travel (€5 bus and €8 entry) this depends on the venue